Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Design Documentation - Batons in a relay race

Documentation is always like a "baton" in a relay race. You care for it, only when you pass it over to somebody else, till that time you don't even bother of the existence of such an entity. If you have to make a baton interesting to a running athlete, you need to stuff it with something that is interesting to him; probably some sort of energy drink, which he will consume it whenever he becomes exhausted. The beauty of the baton design is that it has to be light enough so that its not an extra burden to the athlete and designed in such a manner so that it enables for a quicker passover between the athletes.

I had always stayed away from "Documentation", because I never found a usage for it except during audit or knowledge transition. And even in audit, nobody cares for the quality of the document; the auditors just check for the existence of the document.

So to make some sense of this complex phase in an SDLC, I decided to derive the "Baton" analogy to documentation, because just like a baton, without any documentation, I can never say that somebody completed a relay race. To make documentation competitive, I decided to do the following: Make it -

1. Light - so that its light and easy to carry.
2. Interesting - so that the consumer opens it and uses it frequently (and)
3. Do its job - so that the transition/passover is easy

Why is iPad 2 thinner and lighter than iPad? Simple. They moved from 2 thicker batteries to 3 thinner batteries. They made the whole shell using carbon fiber. Not that I understand the material composition of carbon fibers to comment on it, but if you reduce the content, it becomes lighter. So essentially, I will try to make my document as light as possible. "Fewer pages" will be my KPI. So I decided to budget a page count for every kind of document and focus to convey whatever I wanted to convey within that page count. And I have a motherhood rule "Don't cross 15 pages of content".

For anything to be interesting, it should be useful. Information in the document should be useful and should in turn help the consumer/creator of the document. So to make it interesting, I decided to add 3 simple sub-sections for every section that I created - What, Why & How ? So, if I have to design Change Data Capture in my ETL (some data warehousing terminologies) process, then I add What is CDC; Why should I use CDC?; And how should I enable CDC?

Do its job
It should do its job. It should enable transition. So, if the successor wants to understand what the predecessor did, the document should be able to convey. It shouldn't be lost.

So if a design document addresses the above 3 philosophies, it has met its purpose of existence.

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